Components of Natural Dyes
Unlike synthetic dyes, natural dyes used for natural dyeing contain a variety of components.
GREENWEAR accumulated dye refining/processing know-how and data through research/analyzing of natural dye components.

Natural Dyestuffs used by GREENWEAR
Greenware uses only 10 of its many natural materials as natural dyes.
Each dye has been a traditional dyestuff used by humans to make colors since ancient times and has long been used as a natural medicine in East and Central Asia.

Rubia cordifolia (Roots)

Himalayan Rhubarb
Rheum emodi

Punica granatum (Fruit)

Tegetas erecta (Flower)

Quercus infectoria

Morus Alba (Leaves)

Acacia catechu

Kerria lacca

Terminalia chebula (Fruit)

Indigofera tinctoria
History of Natural Dyes
Natural dyes are traditional dyeing materials from the past. Until synthetic dyes appeared, humans used natural materials such as flowers, leaves, and pericarp to color their clothes.
It is not known when people began dyeing their clothes, depending on their origin and definition, but it is generally estimated that dyeing culture began naturally around B.C. 5000 around the world. In India, it is said to have started dyeing from indigo plants to blue, from madder roots to red, and from Lac in Arabia.

Advantages of Natural Dye
ZERO Synthetic Material
Because it does not use artificial synthetic chemicals, the effects on nature are minimal.
Eye-Friendly Color
Natural dyes contain a variety of pigments and organic substances in one dye. This creates a soft-colored wavelength curve to create a more comfortable and friendly color for our eyes.
Natural dyes are the most natural substances that humans have adapted for a long time. With little resistance to the human body, many materials were used as natural remedies in oriental medicine and folk remedies.
Limitations of Past Methods
Low Productivity
Traditional natural dyeing was not efficient because of low dyeing quality, such as fastness, and low production volume.
Color Limitations
Compared to synthetic dyes, the natural dyeing colors that can be realized were limited.
Water and Energy Usage
In traditional natural dyeing, dyeing/drying/cleaning processes were repeated many times to achieve the desired concentration and color.